collaboration with musician Allison Balanc, performed by Foxy Azucar
dimensions variable
used windshields, bass guitar, rose leaf bodice, kanekelon, hi-vis fabric, incense, snakes that breathe incense smoke made from earth and windshield grass, lights, amps, performer
lyrics by: Allison Balanc

Cenote Rising is a performance that continually evolves and changes based on the energy and feeling of each space. While each iteration is a sung ritual and invocation that recalls the sacredness of Cenotes in Latin American tradition....every moment considers and asks questions between singer and audience. The air is purified with snakes as staffs that breathe healing smokes through the audience, cleansing and energetically bonding with those present.
we hold space for our darkness, our love, and our will to move forward with each other and ourselves
portal together to a resonant world of live bass vibration, thundering glass, and manually modulated volume